Leroy School Home

Welcome to LeRoy School!

LeRoy School is a Pre-K to Grade 12 school in East Central Saskatchewan, approximately 165 km East of Saskatoon. Our community boasts a diverse economy, including agriculture, internationally-recognized manufacturing, and a rapidly growing mining sector.
Living on Treaty 4 territory, we give thanks to the Cree, Dene, Saulteaux and Metis peoples for the ability to learn on their traditional lands. We are grateful for the elders, and we pay respect for both past and present who have stewarded this land throughout generations.

News & Announcements

See horizonsd.ca/STFJobAction/ for the latest info.

STF Work-to-Rule Notice

Please see horizonsd.ca/STFJobAction/ for information on the most recent Saskatchewan Teachers' Federation job action. Volunteers for noon supervision, please visit tinyurl.com/NoonSupervisionHorizon/
Until further notice, all school functions will continue as usual.

STF sanctions on hold

The STF has announced that extracurricular activities and noon supervision will return to normal, effective April 12 at 11:59 p.m.
CALM Contest 2024 - see horizonsd.ca/CalmContest2024/ for details on how to win 3600 eggs for your school!

Canadian Agriculture Literacy Month Contest

Hey Horizon, share your ag learning on social media tagging Star Egg and Horizon, and you could win 3,600 eggs plus a classroom presentation for your school! See horizonsd.ca/CALMContest2024/ for details.

Contest runs throughout March, which is Canadian Agriculture Literacy Month (CALM). Huge thanks to the Star Egg Company for their generous sponsorship!
February 26, 2024: Extracurricular activities to be suspended.  *Note: No school for Horizon students on February 26, 2024, due to a planned non-instructional day.

STF Job Action - February 26, 2024

February 26, 2024: Extracurricular activities to be suspended.
*Note: No school for Horizon students on February 26, 2024, due to a planned non-instructional day. See horizonsd.ca/ExtracurricularFebruary26-2024/ for details.

School Event Calendar